10 Things You Didnt Know about Ryan Serhant

You know him from televisions Million Dollar Listing New York, and Ryan Serhant is one of the best real estate agents in all of New York City. He sells people the million dollar dream theyve always had, and he always deals with his fair share of controversy; yet he handles it quite well. Hes a

ryan serhant

You know him from television’s Million Dollar Listing New York, and Ryan Serhant is one of the best real estate agents in all of New York City. He sells people the million dollar dream they’ve always had, and he always deals with his fair share of controversy; yet he handles it quite well. He’s a newlywed, he’s a husband, he’s a friend, he’s more than just a realtor. He’s a little bit of everything, yet people don’t really know much about the reality television start other than what they see on his show. Of course, that’s not always what accurately depicts his personality, so we thought we might get to know him a bit better and see what it is he is really like when the cameras are not rolling – and probably even when they are (but, you know, editing).

He’s a Texan

There is not much about Ryan Serhant that says Texas. As someone with family in Texas, I can say with authority that as much time as I’ve spent there, he is the last person (other than myself) I ever would have imagined living the life in Texas. However, he was born there in 1984. On that note, I was also surprised to know that he’s a 1984 baby – that makes him a year younger than myself.

He was raised in Massachusetts

We aren’t entirely sure how long after he was born that his family relocated from Houston to Topsfield, Mass, but they did. He was raised there. It’s a suburb in the North Shore of Boston, which is quite nice. He had a nice childhood, growing up with his parents and attending good schools. He was a good student, and he really enjoyed his childhood while he was being raised.

His net worth

Ryan Serhant is not someone who is hurting for money, that’s for certain. He’s to an estimated net worth of $20 million. He’s earned his substantial net worth in real estate, his acting career, his reality television career and by working as a real estate consultant with many major television networks.

He spent a lot of time out west

Ryan Serhant spent a lot of his childhood living out west. He used to spend much of his time in the summers with his family in Colorado. He had family in Steamboat Springs, which is one of the most adorable areas you will ever see. He was a huge fan of going out there to spend time with his family, and we have to assume that it was grandparents and aunts and uncles he spent his time with. After all, most families won’t give up their kids for an entire summer to some third cousin twice removed; unless, of course, they do just that and then I can’t help you with that.

He’s an English major

When Ryan Serhant decided it was time to go to college (after he graduated high school), he attended Hamilton College. He knew he wanted to major in English, and he also know that he wanted to doubled major in Theatre. He was very interested in the world of acting and movies, plays and television shows, and he always thought that his life calling was to become an actor. He wasn’t mistaken in that belief, either.

He’s an actor

No, we aren’t talking about the fact that he is on television. We know there is a huge difference between being on television and being an actor. He’s a reality star, but he is also an actor. When he graduated from college, he spent his time moving to New York so that he could pursue his acting career. His first big break came in 2007 when he was cast as a member of a hit soap opera called As the World Turns. He did a good job with his role, and he really did appreciate the fact that he was able to make a name for himself on the television.

He’s been in big movies

All right, so he’s been in one big movie. It’s called “While We Were Young,” but it was a big one. It was in 2014, and his costars were some of the most famous people in the world. He starred opposite Naomi Watts, Amanda Seyfried and Ben Stiller. If that’s not an A-list cast of epic proportions, nothing is – and that is insanely crazy to us. We didn’t even know he was part of that movie. Then again, we didn’t see it; so it really should not surprise us.

He’s a frat boy

In college, Ryan Serhant was definitely part of a fraternity. We didn’t know that about him, but we also are not all that shocked by this information. He’s someone who just looks like a frat guy, doesn’t he? His frat of choice is the Delta Kappa Epsilon Frat.

His wife is a lawyer

Ryan Serhant is married to a woman by the name of Emilia Bechrakis. They’ve been together for many years, and they finally made the decision to get married in July 2016. Their wedding was held in Corfu, Greece, and they had all their close friends and family join them for the adventure. It was a beautiful wedding, and they made some of the most beautiful models in their photos. She is an attorney, and she works in New York for a large firm.

He proposed in a big way

You would think that spending almost all of his adult life in New York would make Ryan Serhant someone who was not all that interested in doing the cheesy New York proposal thing, but that is precisely what he did when he asked his wife to marry him. He got down on one knee after he shut down all of Times Square and he asked her to be his wife. Of course, he did not ask in front of a million people taking photos in the streets; he shut it down and did it in a much more private manner. So that makes it a bit more romantic; a story worth telling, if you will.

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