5 times Ryan Reynolds proved that he's a true K-pop fan

Though it's unusual to see western celebrities interact with or discuss K-pop, given its growing popularity, it's no surprise that Ryan Reynolds, the Deadpool actor, is a big fan. The actor hasn't just mentioned the artists in passing conversations but has been an avid fan of K-pop, keeping up with the trends and the songs

Though it's unusual to see western celebrities interact with or discuss K-pop, given its growing popularity, it's no surprise that Ryan Reynolds, the Deadpool actor, is a big fan. The actor hasn't just mentioned the artists in passing conversations but has been an avid fan of K-pop, keeping up with the trends and the songs from the artists.

Ryan Reynolds has amply proven his status as a true K-pop fan in recent times. From interacting with K-pop artists online to showcasing his love for them in real life, Ryan is living the dream of every K-pop fan.

OMG trend to photoshoots with HyunA: Here are 5 times Ryan Reynolds proved that he's an avid K-pop fan

1) The collaborative photoshoot between Ryan Reynolds and HyunA

Back in 2016, Ryan Reynolds shook the entire K-pop fandom with his surprise photoshoot with the K-pop soloist, HyunA. Both the artists were paired in a photo shoot for High Cut magazine, where Ryan was dressed in his iconic Marvel Deadpool costume and HyunA sported a beautiful wedding dress.

If the interaction wasn't cute enough, Ryan also took to Instagram to express his love for the artist. In the post, he hugged a print of the photoshoot of the two and captioned it,

"This happened... and I don't regret it for a second."

2) His cute interactions with Stray Kids

It's no secret that Ryan Reynolds and Stray Kids are great friends with each other, given the many sweet interactions they've had over the past two years. What started it all was Ryan tweeting a reply about Stray Kids' Deadpool-inspired performance in Kingdom: Legendary War. The interaction surprised both STAYs and Stray Kids, and friendship bloomed between the two.

Stray Kids, particularly Bang Chan, appear to be quite close to Ryan, from exchanging autographs to sending birthday greetings. The two even met on a video call for Ryan's promotional interview for the movie, Free Guy, where they showcased their amazing chemistry.

As the two artists continued to share their support and love for each other, fans couldn't help but swoon over the interactions.

3) Participating in NewJeans' OMG TikTok trend

One of the latest and funniest proofs that Ryan Reynolds is an up-to-date K-pop fan is his participation in NewJeans' OMG TikTok trend. While everyone else was participating in the trend's dance challenge, Ryan took a different approach and created a fan edit of himself with the song, which fans found hilarious.

Many initially mistook the edit for one made by fans due to the indirect handle name, @vancityreynolds, but upon closer inspection, the following fans realized it was the actor himself. While his interactions with K-pop artists aren't new to fans, his first time participating in a challenge took everyone by surprise.

4) His adorable friendship with EXO

Back in 2019, when Ryan Reynolds held an event in Seoul to promote his then-upcoming movie, 6 Underground, the actor crossed paths with the K-pop boy band EXO, at that same event. Chanyeol, who's a great fan of Deadpool, was extremely excited to meet the actor and also had his special fan moment with Ryan backstage.

The two clicked on a couple of selcas, and Chanyeol posted the same on his story with the caption, "Successful fan." Ryan's fan moment, however, shone through in his tweet, in which the actor posted a group photo with EXO and stated that he is thrilled to be EXO's newest member. He also took to Instagram to reiterate his point, which fans found amusing.

Since then, EXO and Ryan have had many back-to-back interactions online, as they talked about each other's work and releases on their Instagram stories.

5) Eric Nam's interview with Ryan Reynolds

In May 2013, K-pop soloist and show host Eric Nam held an interview with Ryan Reynolds for the promotion of Deadpool 2, and it was marked as one of the most iconic interactions between K-pop and western celebrities. The two naturally clicked with one another and displayed great chemistry throughout the interview.

What particularly went viral was when Eric Nam revealed to Ryan that he took his mother to watch the first Deadpool movie. The actor's reaction to the news was found hilarious by fans, and they couldn't stop swooning at how well the two matched. To date, many fans hope to see them interact again.

As Ryan continues to establish himself as a K-pop fan, many believe he could easily pass for a veteran. Fans hope to see more in-person interactions between Ryan and K-pop artists, given that it has become one of the most iconic moments.

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