50 best names for Minecraft swords and pickaxes (2023)

In the vast world of Minecraft, players often go on adventures where they are required to take some essential items along with them, including the sword, pickaxe, food items, armor, and shield. These will help them in survival, defense, and resource gathering. You can customize your tools by giving them various enchantments and even naming

In the vast world of Minecraft, players often go on adventures where they are required to take some essential items along with them, including the sword, pickaxe, food items, armor, and shield. These will help them in survival, defense, and resource gathering. You can customize your tools by giving them various enchantments and even naming them to suit your preferences.

In this article, we will explore some of the best names you can give to your swords and pickaxes.

Minecraft sword names for beginners

Renaming your sword (Image via Mojang Studios)

Check out the following Minecraft sword names available right now:

  • Inferno's Fury
  • Corebreaker
  • Earthshaker
  • Frostbite
  • Hell Destroyer
  • Skull Crusher
  • Aetherstrike
  • Titan's Peril
  • Thunderous Tremor
  • Elf Slayer
  • Peace Keeper
  • Gut Spiller
  • Soul of the Night
  • The Noose
  • Righteous Oath
  • Soul Reaver
  • Bone Cleaver
  • Dishonor
  • Hopecrusher
  • Serpentine Blade
  • Weeping Blade
  • Sword of Endless Strife
  • Fluffy
  • Last Visage
  • Vengeance
  • Nutcracker
  • Kindness
  • Steve's Stick
  • Dragon Slayer
  • Night Watcher
  • Peace Bringer
  • Hidden Blade
  • Widow's Tear
  • Bloodshard
  • Zephyr's Whisper
  • Excalibur
  • Master Sword
  • Star Rod
  • Moonshadow
  • The Reaper's Scythe
  • The Bane of Undead
  • Heaven's Wrath
  • Stone Biter
  • Siver Doom
  • Mercy
  • Grim Undertaking
  • Godspike
  • Fatebringer
  • Last Resort
  • Thumping Stick
  • Minecraft pickaxe names for beginners

    Renaming the pickaxe (Image via Mojang Studios)

    Check out the following Minecraft pickaxe names available right now:

  • Stone Crusher
  • Diamond Breaker
  • Toothpick
  • Don't Mine Me
  • Gold Digger
  • Pick of Destiny
  • Lil Diggy
  • Rickle Pick
  • Smooth Criminal
  • Breach n Clear
  • Le Pick
  • Pigaxe
  • Mining Slayer
  • Capitalism's Finest
  • Diglett
  • Cha Cha Real Smooth
  • Dad Curse of Vanishing
  • The Fortunate Pick
  • Overpowered Pick
  • Blazing Breaker
  • Enchanted Earthshaker
  • Luminous Lacerator
  • Cursed Cleaver
  • Gravity Grindstone
  • Terra Tunneler
  • Ironheart
  • Emerald Ender
  • Diamon Dominator
  • Heartbreaker Pick
  • Obsidian Bane
  • Silk cut
  • SilvaGunner
  • Nose Pick
  • Final Dustmaker
  • Unending Riches
  • Martian Pick
  • Money Grubber
  • Stone Fisher
  • Item Picker
  • The Ol Moneymaker
  • Ancient Shatterer
  • Pacman
  • Monumental Miner
  • Storm Breaker
  • Mr. Picksie
  • Diamond Pickle
  • Planet Deformer
  • Ore Obliterator
  • Fortune's favor
  • Prismarine Piercer
  • How to name your tools in the game

    Rename your tools using the anvil (Image via Mojang Studios)

    You need to craft an anvil before you're able to name your tools, armor, or any other item in the game. An anvil can be crafted using some iron ingots and iron blocks, which may be quite expensive for beginners in Minecraft.

    Go to your anvil, right-click on it, and place the item on the left. Rename the item in the textbox and take your item back from the anvil. Your item will be renamed. You can enchant as well as repair your tools in a similar fashion. You must ensure that you only use uppercase or lowercase characters and numbers while naming your tools in the game.

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