All 4 old stone slate locations in Genshin Impact

Among the myriad of new quests in Genshin Impact version 2.0, one particular quest provides a new forgeable 4-star sword blueprint. The World Quest called The Farmer's Treasure requires players to save Saimon Jirou and collect four old stone slates. At the end of the task, players will receive a blueprint, a Northlander Sword Billet,

Among the myriad of new quests in Genshin Impact version 2.0, one particular quest provides a new forgeable 4-star sword blueprint.

The World Quest called The Farmer's Treasure requires players to save Saimon Jirou and collect four old stone slates. At the end of the task, players will receive a blueprint, a Northlander Sword Billet, and 60 Primogems as a prize for completing this quest.

Location of all old stone slates throughout Inazuma in Genshin Impact

1) At the bottom of the well in Konda Village

The first old stone slates in Konda Village (Image via HoYoverse)
Location of the first old stone slate on the map (Image via HoYoverse)

Players can locate the first old stone slate inside the well located in Konda Village. Note that the well is locked unless players complete another World Quest, "A Strange Story in Konda" in Genshin Impact.

To unlock the well, players can start the quest by talking to a priestess near a fox statue at Konda Village's entrance. Then proceed to Konda Village to collect hints from the four NPCs.

Once players gather all the evidence and confront the village chief, the location of the diary will be revealed by him. In the Journal, players will find the key to the well.

At the bottom of the well, players will find a room containing a Luxurious Chest. One of the old stone slates is located on top of a box beside the Luxurious Chest.

2) Under a small camp near Kamisato Estate

The second old stone slate near Kamisato Estate (Image via HoYoverse)
Location of the second old stone slate on the map (Image via HoYoverse)

The second old stone slate in Genshin Impact is relatively easy to collect. From the teleport waypoint in Kamisato Estate, players can head northeast to the beach and straight to the big tree root. The small camp with the old stone slate is behind the tree root.

3) On top of a staircase inside Araumi Ruins

The third old stone slate inside Araumi Ruins (Image via HoYoverse)
Location of the third old stone slate on the map (Image via HoYoverse)

To find the third old stone slate in Genshin Impact, players need to enter Araumi Ruins. To access the ruin, players need to complete the "Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual" quest in that area. They need to use the gadget, Memento Lens on the Earth Kitsune Statue, around the ruin entrance.

Once players can get inside Araumi ruins, head further inside until they reach a staircase. Players can find the stone slate on the pile of dirt on top of the stairs.

4) Near the shipwreck inside Araumi Ruins

The fourth old stone slate near a shipwreck (Image via HoYoverse)
Location of the fourth old stone slate on the map (Image via HoYoverse)

From the third stone slate location, players can go further inside the ruins until they reach the location on the map above. The last stone slate can be seen near the shipwreck in front of the teleport waypoint.

Complete the quest "The Farmer's Treasure" in Genshin Impact

Quest "The Farmer's Treasure" (Image via Genshin Impact)

Players will get "The Farmer's Treasure" quest in Genshin Impact once they save Saimon Jirou from the bandits and collect all four old stone slates. Starting at this point, completing the quest is easy as there are no complex puzzles to complete.

First, Travelers will meet up with Saimon Jirou in Jinren Island. Saimon Jirou then bluffs at the Traveler to find the non-existent fifth slate. After the Traveler discovers that he is lying, players will confront Saimon Jirou.

Seeing the bandits once again catch Saimon Jirou, players need to save him yet again. Note that there will be several waves of enemies during this task. It is wise if players use their best DPS party to deal with the opponents.

Once they successfully save Saimon Jirou and find the treasures, players will complete the quest after bringing Saimon Jirou back to Konda Village.

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