Amanda Windsor Onancock VA: Reflecting amanda windsor obituary

Amanda Windsor of Onancock, Virginia, passed away recently, leaving behind her family and loved ones. She was young, vibrant, giving, loving, and happy. Amanda had a dream, and she fulfilled them all - her education, career, home, soulmate, and a perfect baby boy. She made her dreams a reality, and it's so heinously unfair that

Amanda Windsor of Onancock, Virginia, passed away recently, leaving behind her family and loved ones. She was young, vibrant, giving, loving, and happy. Amanda had a dream, and she fulfilled them all - her education, career, home, soulmate, and a perfect baby boy. She made her dreams a reality, and it's so heinously unfair that she only had fleeting moments to enjoy them all.

Amanda's Life and Dreams

Amanda Windsor grew up most of her school years in Virginia Beach, but her favorite time of year was when she got to spend her summertime on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. From the time she was old enough in grade school, Amanda knew she was a shore girl and that the Eastern Shore was where she wanted to plant her roots. Amanda never lost that love for the shore, and as soon as she graduated, she moved there. She made a point to know and love as many people as she could.

Amanda was one of the hardest workers her friend Ashley Forbes knew, always working multiple jobs while continuing her education, setting her goals higher every time, and she nailed them. No matter what obstacles came at her, she conquered them.

Cause of Death

A cause of death has not been officially confirmed, but there are unconfirmed reports that she had died following an accident. Neither the authorities nor the family has confirmed these reports.

Remembering Amanda

Amanda was truly loving being a mom, planning a wedding, and genuinely living her best life. She was engaged to Phillip Hope, and they were planning their wedding. According to Ashley Forbes, Amanda was one of the hardest workers she knew, always working multiple jobs while continuing her education, setting her goals higher every time, and she nailed them. No matter what obstacles came at her (and let’s be real, she had more than she ever deserved), she conquered them.


Amanda Windsor's death is a tragedy, and she will be missed by many. She was a shining example of what it means to work hard, set goals, and achieve them. Her life was cut short, but her legacy will live on through the memories of those who knew and loved her. Rest in peace, Amanda Windsor.

