Baldurs Gate 3: All Lae'zel endings explored

In Baldur's Gate 3, your actions and choices determine the Lae'zel ending you will get. A powerful companion in your party, Lae'zel is a Githyanki warrior on a mission to save her people from the Netherbrain, and eventually, from Vlaakith. She is a loyal, proud, and steadfast warrior, making her a valuable ally inside and

In Baldur's Gate 3, your actions and choices determine the Lae'zel ending you will get. A powerful companion in your party, Lae'zel is a Githyanki warrior on a mission to save her people from the Netherbrain, and eventually, from Vlaakith. She is a loyal, proud, and steadfast warrior, making her a valuable ally inside and outside of combat.

Lae'zel's storyline is one of the most important and compelling among all characters in Baldur's Gate 3. Much of this plot unfolds when you have to decide whether to trust the Emperor or free Orpheus.

There are many possible Lae'zel endings in the game. Detailed below are the choices you need to make to achieve them.

Explaining all Lae'zel endings in Baldur's Gate 3

1) Orpheus becomes Mindflayer, Lae'zel leaves

You can get this Lae'zel ending if you choose to break your alliance with the Emperor to free Orpheus, the prince of Comet. After your encounter with the Emperor, he leaves your party and joins the Netherbrain.

Orpheus respects and recognizes you as his savior, and Lae'zel is pleased with your noble decision to save their prince. You will receive some bickering from Orpheus, though, as he complains about how things could have been easily resolved if it wasn't for your earlier choices.

He then proceeds to reveal that the Emperor is telling the truth all along; a sacrifice has to be made in order to stop the Netherbrain. If you allow Orpheus to sacrifice himself in this Lae'zel ending, he will transform into a Mindflayer.

After the final battle, Orpheus refuses to return to his people in his current state, so he asks you to kill him instead. If you agree to kill him, he will first ask Lae'zel to lead the charge in freeing the Githyanki. Lae'zel vows to continue Orpheus' mission to save their people.

2) Orpheus becomes Mindflayer, Lae'zel stays

As an alternative Lae'zel ending in Baldur's Gate 3, she can choose to refuse Orpheus' request to lead the Githyanki in their battle against Vlaakith to stay with you. You will throw your dagger in your refusal to kill Mindflayer Orpheus, but he will take charge of the act himself.

Orpheus proceeds to use magic to pick up the dagger and stab himself. He immediately dies, and the Githyankis will leave the place.

3) Become a Mindflayer, Lae'zel leaves

This Lae'zel ending isn't very favorable for your romantic relationship with her. In your encounter with the Emperor, you decide to trust him and become a Mindflayer yourself. You inevitably kill Orpheus in this choice. Lae'zel will stick around until the final battle for the sake of freedom, but you two will go separate ways after.

In the end, you can ask Lae'zel to stay, but she will insist on leaving. Although it isn't clear where she is headed, it is possible that she will roam free as an outcast as a consequence of failing her Githyanki people.

4) Become a Mindflayer, Lae'zel breaks up with you

Just before Orpheus and Lae'zel leave for Githyanki, you have one more chance to convince her to stay. However, you being a Mindflayer is a boundary she cannot cross. She refuses to stay with you in this Lae'zel ending. Orpheus takes her back to their homeland to save their people from Vlaakith.

This wraps up all known Lae'zel endings in Baldur's Gate 3. Feel free to check this article if you are interested to know more about Shadowheart's endings.

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