Family Law Attorneys | Colburn Hintze Maletta

If you share children with your spouse and wish to get divorced, in addition to property/debt division and spousal support, you will need to contend with all of the issues related to child custody. A divorce with children in Arizona will need to address legal decision-making authority, parenting time, child support, property division, debt division,

Divorce with Children Involved

If you share children with your spouse and wish to get divorced, in addition to property/debt division and spousal support, you will need to contend with all of the issues related to child custody. A divorce with children in Arizona will need to address legal decision-making authority, parenting time, child support, property division, debt division, and possibly spousal support.

Divorcing with children also requires you to file additional legal documents with the court and fulfill other requirements that are not necessary if the case does not involve children.
At Colburn Hintze Maletta, our attorneys can help you throughout the divorce process and work to negotiate an agreement to settle all outstanding issues. If necessary, we are also prepared to litigate on behalf of our clients when their divorces are contested to secure an outcome that protects their interests and is in the best interests of their children.

Child Custody and Parenting Time Establishment & Modification

While many people think that child custody refers to where a child lives, custody of a child involves much more. Courts rely on numerous factors to make child custody and parenting time decisions.

Custody is referred to as legal decision-making in Arizona and refers to which parent will have the authority to make decisions on behalf of their children for their religious upbringing, education, and medical needs. Legal decision-making can be shared or held by one parent alone.

Parenting time refers to when the children will be with each parent. Parents might equally share parenting time, or the children might spend more time with one parent with regular visitation granted to the other parent.

Legal decision-making authority and parenting time are always decided according to what is in the children’s best interests rather than the interests of either parent.

Courts rely on numerous factors to make child custody and parenting time decisions. We can help you to understand the factors at play and how they might apply in your child custody case. Our child custody attorneys can also work to secure a parenting plan agreement that will benefit both you and your children.

Phoenix Divorce Lawyers | Colburn Hintze Maletta

