Forza Horizon 5: Rally Adventures guide

Rally Adventures, the most recent Downloadable pack for Forza Horizon 5, has now been made available. The new edition includes a brand-new terrain, several new game types, and many new rally-inspired (off-road) vehicles. It also includes some much-requested features, including "launch control" and "anti-lag," which give players more tuning choices. Although anti-lag is a brand-new

Rally Adventures, the most recent Downloadable pack for Forza Horizon 5, has now been made available. The new edition includes a brand-new terrain, several new game types, and many new rally-inspired (off-road) vehicles. It also includes some much-requested features, including "launch control" and "anti-lag," which give players more tuning choices. Although anti-lag is a brand-new feature that attempts to make the driving experience even more realistic, launch control is a reintroduced element from prior Forza Horizon games (which was unexpectedly absent from the most recent installment in the series).

Whether or not a player has access to the Rally Adventures DLC, they may still use the launch control and anti-lag capabilities.

What is anti-lag and launch control in Forza Horizon 5: Rally Adventure?

Anti-Lag is a feature available to all vehicles with a turbocharged engine, delivering more power while producing excellent flame effects and fire-cracker audio. This feature's most noticeable component is the loud exhaust noises created every time you rev your car's engine or change gears. Via custom tuning, you may add an anti-lag turbo to your vehicle.

You can select anti-lag turbo for your preferred car from the custom tuning option (Image via Playground Games, Xbox)

The addition of anti-lag brings vehicle customization in Forza Horizon 5 on par with the recent Need for Speed games. The new NFS titles, i.e., Need for Speed (2015), Need for Speed Payback, Need for Speed Heat, and the latest entry in the arcade racing franchise, Need for Speed Unbound, have prominently featured anti-lag as a default feature.

The last entries in the Need for Speed franchise (NFS Heat and Unbound) even allowed players to tune the exhaust sound. While custom exhaust sound customization is impossible in Forza Horizon 5, including an anti-lag turbo will enable players to provide their favorite vehicles with intense turbo noises.

When it comes to launching control, drag races are where it shines since it enables you to get off to the most excellent possible start while optimizing your vehicle's acceleration. Launch control is added to Forza Horizon 5 as a new assist option, which can be toggled on or off. To use the launch control, you need to hold down your e-brake ("A" button on the Xbox controller or "space" on the keyboard) and accelerate.

Your automobile will accelerate quickly if you let off the e-brake. It should be noted that unlike other assistances like "rewind," "traction control," "stability control," and "racing lines," turning on or off launch control does not result in a loss of credit, so you may do as you choose.

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