How to earn easy Bloodthirsty medals in COD Mobile

Medals have been a part of Call of Duty for a long time, and the Bloodthirsty medal is one that COD Mobile players may see fairly often. The Bloodthirsty medal is just one of many medals that players can earn when playing in a COD Mobile match. They are given out when players accomplish something

Medals have been a part of Call of Duty for a long time, and the Bloodthirsty medal is one that COD Mobile players may see fairly often.

The Bloodthirsty medal is just one of many medals that players can earn when playing in a COD Mobile match. They are given out when players accomplish something in a match. Some of these accomplishments include headshots, major kill chains, or kills with equipment and streaks such as the Sentry Gun.

All of the medals that players earn are kept in the achievements and medals tab, where they are tracked in a profile. Some of the top medals pertain to killstreaks that are earned in COD Mobile Multiplayer, and the Bloodthirsty medal is a part of that category.

How to quickly and easily get Bloodthirsty medals in COD Mobile

Bloodthirsty medals in COD Mobile are based on the killstreaks that a player earns. The medal will pop up on the screen as soon as players earn five kills without dying. It is the second killstreak medal that can be earned after the Berserker medal, which requires three kills in total.

Afterwards, the medals go in intervals of five kills, all the way up to a 30 killstreak, which is labeled as the Nuclear medal. However, the Nuke killstreak itself only takes 20 kills without dying to earn.

The Bloodthirsty medal isn't too difficult to earn as long as players are vigilant. Depending on the game mode, players can find a good position and keep their sights aimed at upcoming enemies. However, opponents will also try to head to that position, so it's good to move around that general area without staying exposed. Essentially, hold the general area down, but don't camp in the same exact spot.

If players have their Operator Skill ready to use, it will also contribute to the Bloodthirst medal and the five-player killstreak. Weapons like the War Machine or the Death Machine are a great way to rack up some easy kills without having to be at a high level.

Using perks like Ghost or Dead Silence can also assist in keeping players hidden from enemies. Suppressors can provide the same effect at the cost of some range of damage, but enemies won't hear what's coming next. With these items, securing kill streaks will be much easier in COD Mobile.

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