How to perfect your own 'Blue Steel' pose

You may not have realisedit, but when you look in the mirror you probably pull a certain pose. Perhaps you purse your lips, widen your eyes, even flare your nostrils each represents a (possibly subconcious)attempt to make sure the man staring back at you looks his very best.

You may not have realised it, but when you look in the mirror you probably pull a certain pose. Perhaps you purse your lips, widen your eyes, even flare your nostrils – each represents a (possibly subconcious) attempt to make sure the man staring back at you looks his very best.

Of course, these poses are best saved for solitary moments – as Ben Stiller affirmed in a recent interview with Esquire Magazine. The Hollywood actor, who plays Derek Zoolander in a new sequel to 2001's cult hit, revealed that he invented the fictional fashionista's famous Blue Steel expression after being caught staring at himself in the mirror.

"It came of looking in the mirror when I was brushing my hair or whatever," says the comedy actor, 50, of his most recognisable look. “My wife would say, ‘Why are you making that face? Why are you doing that?’ And it’s just that thing you do that you think makes you look good. Which really has no correlation to reality.”

Ben Stiller stars as Derek Zoolander

Of course, the difference for Derek Zoolander is that his mirror face became the look that launched a thousand products. Which begs the question: how can us mere mortals tease outour inner male model and become 'really, really, ridiculously good looking'?  

I asked modelling maestro and art director James Forte, of global portfolio specialists Kube Studios, who shared with me the most common catwalk expressions, and how to master them for the mirror.

 "Facial expressions are key in modelling as it goes beyond being 'attractive'," says Forte. "In the modelling industry, the facial expression sets the tone for the campaign. For example "happy and content" to "serious model face" and even "sad and sullen" cover a wide spectrum of different shoots' needs. If these can be mastered without looking fake, you are close to perfection."

 "Each model has their own signature "mirror face" which sets them apart from other models," continues Forte. "Models are trained to portray different emotions which is part of their role. It is paramount for these aspiring models to practice their own "mirror faces" which must convey the required emotion as naturally as possible." 

So, with some coaching from Forte, I attempted the four most common 'looks': serious, seductive, confident, and the up squint.

Unlike Zoolander, whose four signature expressions - Blue Steel, Magnum, Le Tigre and Ferrari - are all identical, Forte tells me that real quartet are in fact very diverse. How will the real fair against the fictional?

1. Serious

"Firstly, the serious face," says Forte. "Give me strong eyes, a slight frown and very slightly tighten your lips."

I do so, with mixed and somewhat unserious results.

Blue Steel vs 'Serious'

2. Seductive

"Next up is seductive," Forte continues, "for which you need to slightly raise your head and then look down."

Again, I follow his instructions, but end up looking less seductive and more suspicious.

Le Tigre vs 'Seductive'

3. Confident

"Now for confident," says Forte. "Raise the corners of your mouth for this one, it's almost a smirk."

A little easier, and considerably more natural – but confident would not be the word I'd use.

Ferrari vs 'Confident'

4. The up squint

"And finally," adds Forte, "the up squint. For this one you need to half-squint, which means keeping the top of the eyes still and raising the bottom of them up slightly."

I pull the face - which leaves me looking simply like I hate both the camera and this exercise. 

Magnum vs 'Up Squint'

So, there we have it. Four poses, each as faintly ridiculous as the next. Still, if it worked for Zoolander ...

