Is Simone Johnson's net worth more than many WWE Superstars?

Simone Johnson made her NXT debut this week when she joined The Schism. Under the name Ava Raine, she allied herself with Joe Gacy's team and became the fourth member of the faction, making them that much more formidable.

Simone Johnson made her NXT debut this week when she joined The Schism. Under the name Ava Raine, she allied herself with Joe Gacy's team and became the fourth member of the faction, making them that much more formidable.

Johnson is the daughter of Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson. She is also the great-granddaughter of Peter Maivia and the granddaughter of Rocky Johnson. As such, she is wrestling royalty and shoulders high expectations.

Given how she has been hot-shotted into the wrestling business and the kind of reputation she has, she is already more popular than some WWE Superstars. That is partly due to her modeling career before she joined the industry.

Without taking into account her parents' assets, Simone Johnson's net worth stands at approximately $50 million. When you factor in the fortunes of The Rock and her mother Dany Garcia, the value is a staggering $110 million. That number is way more than some WWE Superstars can boast, which means the company has a very marketable asset on their hands.

Simone Johnson's NXT debut

On the latest episode of NXT, Simone Johnson made her debut in shocking fashion under the name Ava Raine. She was revealed as the mystery member of Joe Gacy's Schism in a move no one saw coming.

Johnson's alliance with The Schism means she is now the fourth member of the stable. Her addition lends a fresh and raw edge to the faction. She cut a promo talking about how her teammates completed her and how she was alive.

“The love and acceptance The Schism has given me, defies any preconceived notions of who I’m supposed to be. This family completes me. I am Ava Raine.”

Joining The Schism is great for The Rock's daughter. They are a dangerous up-and-coming faction intent on putting the entire roster on notice. The group preaches about inclusion and openness, claiming people should allow them to enter their lives. Ava Raine is a great addition to the stable, and she will learn a lot from Gacy and the rest of her teammates.

The sky is the limit for the 21-year-old. We can't wait to see her rise in NXT and how she works her way to the main roster and to the top of the wrestling mountain.

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