Jane Fonda admits that she does cleanses: does this make you like her less?

I freaking love Jane Fonda. Its just a knee jerk reaction I have to her now, Ill admit it. After she owned up to plastic surgery, talked about having sex at her age (75 now, can you believe it?!) and admitted shes fit because she has money (in part) I was like yeah, shes awesome.

I freaking love Jane Fonda. It’s just a knee jerk reaction I have to her now, I’ll admit it. After she owned up to plastic surgery, talked about having sex at her age (75 now, can you believe it?!) and admitted she’s fit because she has money (in part) I was like “yeah, she’s awesome.”

Plus I used to work out with her VHS tapes back in the day, she can do leg lifts like no other. So it’s somewhat sad for me to hear that she does cleanses, but they don’t sound as extreme as other celebrities and she’s not promoting anything! (Like Goop or Salma Hayek) Jane told Hello! Magazine that she eats real food during her “cleanse” period, she just keeps it simple and whole. Here’s more, thanks to the Daily Mail. (This story came out earlier this month, but I just saw it over on Skinny vs. Curvy and it’s news to us!)

After struggling with eating disorders for most of her life, Jane Fonda says she has at last ‘made peace’ with her body.

The 75-year-old has twice-daily yoga sessions and recently went through a week-long cleansing regime, avoiding all dairy products, red meat, wheat and coffee.

However she claimed she has given up her quest for a perfect figure, saying: ‘For a woman, making peace with your body is a work in progress.

‘I have spent time in therapy, written books that have helped me heal – as well as helped others.

‘For me, healing meant understanding that “good enough” is good. We don’t have to be perfect.’

The actress, who won Oscars for her roles in the 1971 movie Klute and Coming Home in 1978, took on the role of fitness guru in 1982 with the release of an aerobics tutorial which became the most successful fitness video of all time.

But she later revealed she had suffered eating disorders from the age of 12, veering between a series of food binges and purges.

Although she was spotted tucking into a greasy cheeseburger at an Oscars after-party, she insisted she is still devoted to healthy eating.

‘I started the year with a week-long cleanse – no coffee, dairy, red meat or wheat,’ she told Hello! magazine.

‘Instead I had lots of juices, vegetables, chicken and fish, oats, beans and cleansing teas.

‘I’m still basically eating that way now, and will probably never go back to coffee. I eat fish, especially salmon and tuna, three times a week. This is really good for older people.’

Miss Fonda recently released a yoga DVD for the elderly – her 27th fitness tutorial – with her partner Richard Perry, 70.

She said: ‘Yoga makes me feel great, alive, awake, and as we get older it’s important to stay flexible and strong, which yoga helps with.

‘I’ve had a knee and hip replacement and had major back surgery last March, so my ability to do a full lotus position, for instance, is reduced. But I do this DVD with my boyfriend and it is totally safe.’

[From The Daily Mail]

I mentioned this in one of the recent “Goop deprives her kids” posts, but my mom eats like that. She’s around 10 years younger than Fonda, and my mom went gluten free and she doesn’t eat red meat either, so I get it. She did it on her doctor’s recommendation and improved her health and lost weight.

In Jane’s case she’s still eating oats, chicken, fish and such and she’s only doing it for a week! She was seen eating a burger too as the DM mentions. It sounds very do-able and not she’s depriving herself. She’s eating solid food, she’s not subsisting on maple syrup and cayenne pepper or some powdered shakes and calling it a “cleanse.” Plus as mentioned she’s not selling us anything, she just telling us how she looks so damn great. I may try that.

Jane Fonda is shown at the Berlinale on 2-7 and 2-8 (she’s holding up a pic of the photographers) and at The Oscars and VF Oscar party on 2-25-13. Credit: WENN.com and FameFlynet

