Jason Simpson 7 Things You Didnt Know About O.J Simpsons Son

O.J Simpson was a respected citizen of America and the world until 1994 when he became indicted in a murder case involving his wife and a friend. It is of course no news that O.Js second ex-wife, Nicole Simpson and a restaurant waiter, Ronald Goldman were brutally murdered at the formers home in Brentwood, California,

O.J Simpson was a respected citizen of America and the world until 1994 when he became indicted in a murder case involving his wife and a friend. It is of course no news that O.J’s second ex-wife, Nicole Simpson and a restaurant waiter, Ronald Goldman were brutally murdered at the former’s home in Brentwood, California, on the night of 12th June, 1994. Farther than Simpson’s celebrated football career did, the case shot his family members to global public notice, including his oldest son Jason Simpson.

Meanwhile, throughout O.J’s much-publicized trial, Jason passed as nothing more than a suspect’s family member. But here, we’ve gathered surprising facts you never knew about the Simpson son all these while.

7 Things You Didn’t Know About Jason Simpson

1. Jason is heavily linked to the murders 

As earlier mentioned, no fingers pointed at Jason Simpson throughout his dad’s longtime court trials. However, about eighteen years after his father’s acquittal, reports became rife that Jason Simpson was the one behind the already dismissed crime!

The claims emanated from a report by legendary American private detective and forensic expert, William C. Dear which he published in 2012. In the book titled O.J Is Innocent and I Can Prove It, Dear provided about thirty credible pieces of evidence that point to Jason instead of his father, as the double murder culprit.

2. He had a disturbing childhood

Divorce has on most occasions not yielded good fruits to its victims. That was the case with Simpson’s family. O.J. Simpson initially married Marguerite Whitley with whom he had Jason (born 1970, April 21) and his sisters Arnelle (born 1968) and Aaren (born 1977). Simpson and Whitley however, divorced in 1979 after the former began an extramarital affair with Nicole Brown whom he later married in 1985. To add salt to injury, then two-year-old Aaren drowned in the swimming pool in their family residence.

Probably as a result of the loss of a happy home, Jason Simpson started meddling with alcohol and hard drugs from the teenage age of fourteen, Dear’s reports revealed. He subsequently developed mental and emotional disorders especially randomly occurring sessions of uncontrolled anger and violent outbursts, which sometimes caused him to hear non-existent voices. To control this disorder, Jason lived on Depakote, a drug he reportedly stopped taking two months before Nicole and Ronald’s murders.

Ironically, Jason developed an obsessive likeness for his stepmom, Nicole Brown. This according to Dear, caused him to kill her in his rage for failing to do dinner at the restaurant he was working in as earlier agreed.

3. He has a criminal history, alongside three suicide attempts!

Police records that William Dear dug up in the course of his investigations show that Jason Simpson has on four different occasions, gone in for DUI, physical assault, possession of dangerous weapons, and things like that. He also sometimes attempted murdering his girlfriend with a knife during an argument. Jason has as well attacked his workplace boss with a chef’s knife, an act that had earned him probation.

On Jason’s medical records are also instances of attempted suicide. His medical reports alleged he has attempted to take his own life on at least, three occasions.

4. He trained in knife combat

Jason studied at the Army and Navy Academy. One of his colleagues revealed that Jason underwent hand-to-hand combat and field knife training during his days at the academy. This revelation has heightened suspicions on Jason’s ability to assail and simultaneously kill two persons unaided.

5. Jason has never faced trial for his suspected crimes

Despite investigator Dear’s widely-accepted eyeopening report, Jason Simpson has been walking free and unquestioned. He has so far, never been charged with any crime not to talk of being tried. Moreover, while several crime scene pieces of evidence, fingerprints, and DNA never matched O.J’s, no one has tested Jason for any of them.

6. His father later became an inmate

Several years after having his reputation tarnished by murder allegations, O.J Simpson plunged into an even more degrading infamous act which eventually threw him behind bars. On 6th December 2008, the disgraced former football star and actor earned a 33-year prison sentence for leading an armed gang in a robbery attack at Palace Station hotel and casino, Las Vegas. He was, however, granted parole after serving for nine years. He left the Lovelock Correctional Center where he served on 1st October 2017.

7. Here’s what Jason Simpson is doing at the moment

Reliable sources reveal that Jason presently lives in Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A where he is reportedly working as a chef. He, however, keeps a very low profile. Owing to his away-from-the-media lifestyle, no one knows if Jason has remained single or built a family of his own.

