Mother of slain Sydney teen Jason Galleghan calls for Stacey Pale to receive justice

The mother of a Sydney teen sobbed as she told a court she was broken into a million pieces when her 16-year-old son was violently attacked over a pair of headphones. Rachel Galleghans son Jason was lured to a home in Doonside, in Sydneys west, on August 4, 2021 and attacked by a gang of

The mother of a Sydney teen sobbed as she told a court she was “broken into a million pieces” when her 16-year-old son was violently attacked over a pair of headphones.

Rachel Galleghan’s son Jason was lured to a home in Doonside, in Sydney’s west, on August 4, 2021 and attacked by a gang of adults and juveniles.

The fatal assault, which was launched over the alleged theft of a pair of Apple AirPods, left the 16-year-old boy brain dead and dependent on life support.

Much of the violence, which was labelled “cruelty of the highest order” by a Supreme Court judge, was videoed and shared online.

One video showing Jason being savagely beaten went viral and collected more than 170,000 views, according to police.

Almost two years after her son was subjected to the deadly attack, Ms Galleghan said she is still “completely broken”.

“On 5 August 2021, I received a phone call that changed my life forever,” she told the NSW District Court on Tuesday.

“I was beside myself with fear.”

Police told Ms Galleghan that her son Jason had been assaulted and was in hospital with injuries expected to be fatal.

“It was just instant heartache,” she recalled.

“That sick feeling has never really stopped. I feel it every single day since I received that call.”

The grieving mother said she felt “so incredibly scared” and “helpless” as she tried to come to grips with “unbearable” thoughts of what her son had been through in his last moments.

“I was physically, emotionally and mentally drained and broken into a million pieces,” she told the court through tears.

Jason had been a “friendly, generous and caring” 16-year-old with an “infectious laugh” and a “great sense of humour”, his mother recounted.

“My son was my whole world to me. Without him, I will never be the same person again,” Ms Galleghan said while wiping away tears.

“Every day without my precious son is agony. And every day will be for the rest of my life.”

The powerful and touching tribute was delivered to the court on Tuesday as a woman involved in her son’s death was due to be sentenced.

Stacey Pale, 37, previously pleaded guilty to being accessory after the fact to grievous bodily harm after she lied to cover up the bloody attack on Jason.

She is not accused of being involved in the attack itself and was allegedly outside when it unfolded.

When she was questioned by neighbours who heard screaming, the 37-year-old casually dismissed their concerns.

“It’s just a family dispute,” she told them.

“Nothing, just a family issue.”

Ms Galleghan slammed Pale for playing what she believes is a “significant role” in her son’s death.

“I feel so much anger towards her and how she chose to act that day,” she said.

“I believe she understood what was going to happen … and she did nothing.”

The mourning mother said her “precious son” could still be alive if one of the 11 people charged with his assault had done “the right thing and helped him”.

“(Pale) could have helped Jason. She could have called out for help or called the police,” she sobbed.

“Instead she chose to lie and cover up what had happened.”

Despite Ms Galleghan’s calls for her to “receive justice”, Pale will wait nearly two months before she learns her fate.

Judge Stephen Hanley SC agreed to adjourn the sentencing to allow the 37-year-old to undergo psychiatric assessment.

She will continue to live in the community until she returns to court on October 5.

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