Nick Cannon Criticizes Travis Scott For Performing At The Super Bowl And Procreating With Kyli

As you may know, Travis Scott was criticized by many after he accepted to perform at the Super Bowl Halftime Show despite how the NFL treated Colin Kaepernick for kneeling during the national anthem. Now, Nick Cannon made it very clear that he is also not a fan of Kylie Jenners baby daddy, exactly for

As you may know, Travis Scott was criticized by many after he accepted to perform at the Super Bowl Halftime Show despite how the NFL treated Colin Kaepernick for kneeling during the national anthem. Now, Nick Cannon made it very clear that he is also not a fan of Kylie Jenner’s baby daddy, exactly for that same reason.

Apparently, he isn’t on board with the rapper’s decision, and it is in part because of the makeup mogul.

Cannon is very upset with Scott because, in his eyes, he made it clear that he does not support Black culture.

Since the emcee is set to go on stage at the Super Bowl on February, 3, Nick is pissed.

Of course, he is not the only one since Kylie’s boyfriend has been widely criticized for not supporting Colin Kaepernick who kneeled during the national anthem in protest for the injustices against African-Americans.

During an interview with Raquel Harper, Nick explained why he is totally fine with Big Boi performing at the Super Bowl but not with Travis.

‘I call it cultural equity. We not mad at Big Boi…he’s for the people. But someone like Travis Scott, he gotta walk more gingerly. It’s more about truly having integrity to who you are in your music and your art form. The people you choose to interact with. The people you choose to procreate with…that decision wasn’t for the culture,’ he explained.

Of course, he was talking about Kylie Jenner with whom Travis has a daughter named Stormi.

Nick believes that dating and having a baby with her lowered his popularity within the Black community.


‘That decision wasn’t for the culture. But we’re not mad at you!’ he added.

