Sophie Ellis-Bextor Workout and Diet Secrets

Sophie Ellis-Bextor is one of the supermoms. She has a super busy life because she manages four young boys who are all under the age 13 and also has a pop career to juggle. But she still manages to look flawless in every picture that we get to see.

Sophie Ellis-Bextor at BBC Radio Office

Sophie Ellis-Bextor is one of the supermoms. She has a super busy life because she manages four young boys who are all under the age 13 and also has a pop career to juggle. But she still manages to look flawless in every picture that we get to see.

Here we try to find out the key workout routine and diet secrets that help her look so gorgeous all the time. We also get to know how right upbringing helped her to get her head clear on fitness, her thoughts on body image and how she gets rid of pregnancy weight.

Fitness Philosophy

The Murder on the Dancefloor singer has a simple fitness philosophy. She ensures that she eats well, exercises well and sleeps well so that she can have enough energy to not only take her kids to school but rock the stage as well.

Workout Routine

The workout routine of the stunner involves hitting the gym two or three times a week. Though she is not a big fan of gymming, she does it because she likes the feeling of being strong enough to run and jump on stage when she is singing. Apart from gymming, her workout routine includes doing loads of fun stuff that helps her to stay active almost all the time. She likes walking, dancing, taking the kids to the park and even likes playing with the kids on the trampoline.

Sophie Ellis-Bextor while leaving Good Morning TVN in Warsaw in October 2016

Diet Secrets

The model admits that she has good knowledge about diet and health since childhood as her mother didn’t believe in any diets. They didn’t have any weighing scales at home too. Her mother taught her the value of healthy eating and she learned to love food. Her diet secrets involve cooking her own food and eating healthy as much as possible. Unlike many people, she genuinely has fun while cooking.

Imparting Healthy Habits

As the talented singer is raising 4 little boys, she is trying to be a good mother by teaching the value of healthy eating to her kids. She is imparting healthy habits to her kids by giving them loads of natural foods, fish, and vegetables. She is also trying to restrict their intake of sugar and processed foods. Her aim is to teach them to make healthy choices.

Sophie Ellis-Bextor while leaving BBC Radio 2 Studios in London July 2017

Relaxing is Good

The wife of Richard Jones likes to relax by taking out some time for date nights. She and her husband go out and do their own thing. It can even be a work related thing like they sometimes DJ together. Though they can’t have a date night every week due to their busy schedules, they manage to do it as much as possible because such relaxing times are healthy for every person.

Thoughts on Body Image

Sophie got the social media abuzz last summer when she unveiled the fact that she was not wearing a stomach-sucking Spanx on a night out and a woman actually asked her if she was pregnant again. She thinks the experience was quite horrible as it made her realize that women have to feel so much pressure to get back into shape after having a baby. She thinks that having a baby leaves a woman with a bit of a tummy but it’s nothing to feel ashamed of. You should not think of it as a big deal.

The Read My Lips (2001) singer’s attitude on body image is a direct result of her own upbringing in London. Her mother banned the word diet in the house and was an amazing role model. Thanks to her, the star has never believed in fads or weighing scales. Her entire family likes food and they all like feeling good about themselves as well.

Sophie Ellis-Bextor having coffee

Pregnancy Weight Loss Method

The Dance Queen accepted that she has worked with a trainer at a local gym to shift pregnancy weight four times till date. She was working with the trainer again after the birth of her youngest child, Jesse who was born in January 2016. She believes in shifting the pregnancy weight slowly but steadily and doesn’t believe in pushing too hard and expecting overnight results. Sophie believes the process would get results if she keeps at it.

