"Straight embarrassment" - WWE Universe reacts to cringeworthy Ronda Rousey botch on SmackDown

Ronda Rousey lost her women's championship back to Charlotte Flair this past week on WWE SmackDown. However, it appears that this is far from the talking point of the segment. Before Rousey accepted the challenge from Charlotte Flair, the former champion cut a promo about her arm and asked if Flair was there to challenge

Ronda Rousey lost her women's championship back to Charlotte Flair this past week on WWE SmackDown. However, it appears that this is far from the talking point of the segment.

Before Rousey accepted the challenge from Charlotte Flair, the former champion cut a promo about her arm and asked if Flair was there to challenge for her title at the Royal Rumble. She did have a slight slip-up that led many fans to wonder if The Queen was challenging for the championship at SummerSlam. The Rowdy One tripped over her words when trying to correct herself.

Here are some of the reactions to the exchange:

Rousey also said the word "soomer" instead of sooner when Shayna Baszler was on hand to remind her that it was the Royal Rumble this month and not The Biggest Party of the Summer.

The WWE Universe has called for Paul Heyman to step in and manage Ronda Rousey following her botch on SmackDown

Interestingly, the WWE Universe appears to have found a solution to Rousey's recent promo issues. Many believe that Paul Heyman could be the man to help her in the same way that he assisted Roman Reigns in becoming the biggest star in the company.

Ronda Rousey lost the SmackDown Women's Championship to Charlotte Flair moments after the promo, and it's now unclear what the future holds for her on the blue brand. The company has several options for The Rowdy One. However, she has been targeted by the WWE Universe for several months, with #FireRondaRousey trending every time she is spotted on-screen.

It is rumored that Rousey could be set to face off against Rhea Ripley at WrestleMania 39, which means that she could be moving over to Monday Night RAW following her title loss.

Did you spot Ronda Rousey's botch this week on SmackDown? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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