Suri Cruise goes berserk over ice cream

Katie Holmes and her mom Kathleen Stothers took Suri out yesterday in Boston. The girls day out included lots of shopping (of course) and a little trip to the gelato/ice cream parlor. Now most kids love ice cream, in my experience. Most kids love sweets or special treats of any kind. Suri is no exception.

Katie Holmes, Kathleen A. Stothers and Suri Cruise seen shopping in Boston

Katie Holmes and her mom Kathleen Stothers took Suri out yesterday in Boston. The girls’ day out included lots of shopping (of course) and a little trip to the gelato/ice cream parlor. Now… most kids love ice cream, in my experience. Most kids love sweets or special treats of any kind. Suri is no exception. But I’ve never seen a kid go this berserk in an ice cream parlor before. This is the kind of crazy usually reserved for the cereal aisle of a supermarket (you know you’ve passed that kid on the floor in full tantrum mode).

While Suri doesn’t look like she’s having a tantrum, she does look like a little girl who knows exactly how many scoops of mint chocolate chip she wants, and she doesn’t care what her mom says about it. Even though Suri Cruise looks like the most hellish, migraine-inducing brat in these pictures, I totally love this kid. She’s got so much energy and personality, and the comparison between her and her zombie mother is always so startling. Oh, and Suri’s outfit rocks too. Pink cardigan, white tank, and a lavender tiered skirt. I believe she’s also rocking the same pair of leopard-print flats as last week.

In one piece of additional Katie Holmes-is-a-zombie news, one more quote was released from her Elle Magazine cover interview. The interview seems to have focused quite a bit on Katie’s “style” (if you could call it that), lots of questions about her favorite designers, et cetera. At some point, they asked Katie what Tom thinks of her fashion sense, and Katie says: “He usually likes everything, but sometimes I’ll walk out and he’ll say, ‘I think that dress might be wearing you. You don’t need that…Tom has great taste.” It would be easy to go to a “Tom Cruise knows his couture, because he’s gay” place. But I’m going in a different direction. You don’t have to be gay to see that Katie doesn’t have the best style, so anything Tom says to her about her clothes is okay in my book. No judgment.

Katie Holmes, Kathleen A. Stothers and Suri Cruise seen shopping in Boston

Katie, Suri, Katie’s mom and bodyguard are shown out at Faneuil Hall in Boston on 10/7/09. Credit for photos below: Fame Pictures

