Top 5 richest TEs in the NFL ft. George Kittle, Travis Kelce and more

NFL tight ends are usually paid a hefty salary. They are responsible for two important aspects during offensive play: catching passes from their quarterback and blocking for the running backs. However, some tight ends are paid more than others based on their contracts. An in-demand player can also attract lucrative endorsement deals which further helps

NFL tight ends are usually paid a hefty salary. They are responsible for two important aspects during offensive play: catching passes from their quarterback and blocking for the running backs.

However, some tight ends are paid more than others based on their contracts. An in-demand player can also attract lucrative endorsement deals which further helps them boost their net worth.

Here, we take a look at five of the richest tight ends in the NFL who are active as of 2023.

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#1. George Kittle, San Francisco 49ers

San Francisco 49ers TE George Kittle

According to reports, George Kittle is the richest tight end in the NFL. The San Francisco 49ers star is worth a whopping $50 million as of 2023.

In 2021, Kittle signed a blockbuster five-year, $75 million contract with the team. Moreover, the 29-year-old has signed endorsement deals with several high-end brands including Nike, Panda Express, Gatorade, Bud Light, Xbox, Levi’s and Adobe.

#2. Travis Kelce, Kansas City Chiefs

Kansas City Chiefs TE Travis Kelce

Kansas City Chiefs star Travis Kelce is a two-time Super Bowl winner. The tight end also has a net worth reported to be around $25 million.

Kelce has been with the Chiefs throughout his 11 years in the NFL. The 33-year-old is reportedly on course to make around $14 million this year.

#3. Mark Andrews, Baltimore Ravens

Baltimore Ravens TE Mark Andrews

Mark Andrews has been with the Baltimore Ravens since 2018. He signed a five-year contract extension worth $56 million with the team in 2021.

Andrews is reportedly worth an estimated $10 million. The three-time Pro Bowler has been endorsed by Traeger Grills, Wawa, Verizon, Dexcom, Rockin' Protein, Wawa, DraftKings and Lowe's.

#4. Dalton Schultz, Houston Texans

Former Dallas Cowboys TE Dalton Schultz

Dalton Schultz was picked by the Dallas Cowboys in the 2018 NFL draft. The tight end played five seasons with the team before joining the Houston Texans in the 2023 offseason.

Schultz signed a one-year, $6,250,000 contract with the Texans. He is reportedly worth around $8 million at the time of joining the Houston-based outfit.

#5. Dallas Goedert, Philadelphia Eagles

Philadelphia Eagles TE Dallas Goedert

Dallas Goedert has played five seasons with the Philadelphia Eagles. The tight end signed a four-year, $57 million extension with the team in 2021.

Goedert is currently worth around $5 million. He had an excellent 2022 season with the Eagles and helped them reach the Super Bowl, however, Philadelphia fell to the Kansas City Chiefs at the final hurdle.

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