Which Future lyrics have referenced Larsa Pippen so far? Taking a closer look at fan theories

Larsa Pippen continues to make headlines due to her relationship with Michael Jordan's son, Marcus Jordan, but before him, he used to briefly date rapper Future. People also believe that the famous rapper has referenced the star of the reality show "Real Housewives of Miami" in a few of his songs.

Larsa Pippen continues to make headlines due to her relationship with Michael Jordan's son, Marcus Jordan, but before him, he used to briefly date rapper Future. People also believe that the famous rapper has referenced the star of the reality show "Real Housewives of Miami" in a few of his songs.

Those songs are "Rent Money," "Federal Fed" and "Thought It was Drought." There is no direct reference to Larsa Pippen in any of those three songs, but many think Future indirectly referred to her.

In "Federal Fed," one lyric was thought to have referred to Pippen:

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While this and other lyrics could refer to someone else, fans felt it was aimed at Pippen:

Larsa Pippen and Future met while she was still married to former NBA champion and Chicago Bulls legend Scottie Pippen. Larsa and Scottie got a divorce, but it appears that the reality show star and the rapper were never a couple.

Back in 2021, Larsa Pippen addressed the matter in Jason Lee's "Hollywood Unlocked."

"That was stupid of him ’cause it was not that. He was delusional. It was not that. It was never that. I meant that lyric was because it wasn’t like that. I’ve never said anything negative about him. I’m done talking about my past."

Larsa Pippen explains relationship with Future

In the same interview, Larsa Pippen addressed the relationship she had with Future and whether the two used to date.

Larsa initially said that Future helped her in a difficult time of her life, but she had no intention of becoming a couple with him:

"It was like, I was really sad, I was in a point in my life when I was really sad. I was dealing with, ‘Do I move on, do I not, are my kids going to be okay?’ "It was a lot of guilt that I felt, and he was the guy that was there to see me go through it, and he was the guy that I would talk to when I was kinda like, dealing with things. He gave me confidence when I was feeling in a dark place. "He was definitely not what I thought he was going to be like. He was definitely very romantic and different than I expected him to be. Did I want to spend the rest of my life with him? I don’t think so. People serve a purpose in your life. It doesn’t have to be your forever. "Everyone has a time and a reason for being in your life…it was never that serious. It was not like people think it was."

Fast forward to today, Larsa is preparing for her second marriage, as she and Marcus Jordan are in a great place and want to get married soon.

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