Who is Dasha Lapushka? Meet Serie A strikers partner who stunned fans with latest Instagram photo

Serie A star Andrea Pinamonti's girlfriend Dasha Lapushka has caught fans' attention in recent times with her stunning posts on social media. Pinamonti currently plays for Sassuolo on loan from Inter Milan.

Serie A star Andrea Pinamonti's girlfriend Dasha Lapushka has caught fans' attention in recent times with her stunning posts on social media. Pinamonti currently plays for Sassuolo on loan from Inter Milan.

Lapushka happens to be an artist. She is also quite the influencer on social media and boasts around 409K followers on her Instagram. Her posts in luxurious locations and also wearing stunning outfits have left fans spellbound.

Pinamonti, 23, came up through the ranks of the Nerazzuri. He is currently on loan and has made 23 appearances for Sassuolo this season, scoring four goals and providing one assist.

He has made 15 appearances for Inter's senior team so far in his career, scoring one goal. The youngster operates as a center-forward.

Pinamonti's partner, though, has recently become the talk of town, with her popularity making waves on social media.

Serie A legend dismissed that Inter Milan are in crisis

Legendary goalkeeper Welter Zenga recently dismissed the notion that Inter Milan are in crisis. There have been suggestions of the same after Inter's recent losses in crucial games.

Zenga, however, doesn't believe that is the case, pointing out that the Nerzzuri are still the second-placed (now third) team in the Serie A table.

The legendary goalkeeper said (via Sempre Inter):

“Inter have everything that they need to go through [to the next round of the Champions league against Porto], even if at the moment they’re not in the best of form, There’s been talk of the team being in crisis, but then you look at the Serie A table and they’re sitting in second, so I think that’s a little much.”

Napoli are leading the Italian league with 71 points from 27 matches. Lazio are a distant second, 19 points behind. Inter, meanwhile, have 50 points from 27 league matches so far this campaign.

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